Well done!  You have got the interview you had hoped for with your new school.  This could be your only interview and therefore the only opportunity to impress the people who could be making a decision on your future, so it’s worth investing a bit of time on this.

We’ll take you through our seven-step plan that will give you all the tips needed to make sure you land that dream job!

  • Do your research

Find out as much as you can about the role, the school that you will be working in and the people in it. You can’t have too much information.

  • Get to the interview in plenty of time

Your interview may be a physical meeting, or it could be online. If you are travelling to a physical meeting, then it is important that you decide in advance how you will get there and how long it will take.

  • Dress professionally

It is important that you convey a professional persona, even if your meeting is a virtual one. It will help to boost your confidence if you look the part and if you have made an effort it will convey the right image.

  • Prepare your “sales pitch”

This step is critical and it’s about making sure that you prepare in advance of the interview how you are you are going to “sell yourself” so you come across in the best possible light. It’s important to be honest but also to focus on the positives – i.e. what are the great things about you that will make a great match with the role you’ve applied for.

  • Get into the right mind-set before the interview

Just before you go into the interview, make sure that you have time to relax and start off looking confident and composed. Make sure that you have everything that you need at your fingertips – your CV, your notes to yourself and a pen and notepad so you can write anything down that you need to.

  • During the interview make sure you outshine the other candidates

If you have prepared well, this bit is about making sure that you look professional, stay composed, use positive body language and do all the things that you have already prepared for.

  • After the interview – Follow up

Your recruitment consultant will follow up with you anyway, but there is no harm in being proactive yourself. It is a really good idea to ask for feedback.


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