Being a school leader provides a very different challenge to being a teacher. Here are our top five tips for excelling and becoming one of the best.
Know your Stakeholders
As a leader you will be interacting with multiple stakeholders on a regular basis – parents, students, staff, the Board of Governors and regulatory authorities to name but a few, and you will need a different strategy for dealing with each of them. The main advice that we can offer is to get to know their key drivers and make sure that you are always one step ahead in anticipating what they are going to need and when they will need it. Also communicate with all your stakeholders regularly. No news is never a good sign. People want to know what is going on – all the time!
Be a Great Role Model
The staff and students in your school will look to you for leadership and guidance so you need to role model the behaviours that you expect to see in others. “Walk the Walk” and “Talk the Talk” so to speak and keep on re-emphasising your expectations. Make your culture and values very visible and reward those that are adopting the behaviours that you want to see. Have wall charts all round your school with key messages that keeps adding positive re-enforcement to the values that are important for your school.